The dough modeling of Ne Zha, with a proud and unyielding spirit, is full of resilience.
Yu Qiquan, a representative inheritor of the Shenyang Municipal-Level Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative Project, Yu’s Dough Modeling Craftsmanship, transforms flour into a stunning figurine of Ne Zha, giving full expression of Ne Zha’s characteristics. His fingers deftly knead, pinch, roll and press the dough. In just a few minutes, a vivid and lively Ne Zha comes to life before our eyes.
With bright and spirited big eyes, an adorable double bun hairstyle, and the iconic Huntian Ling (a red armillary sash that floats around his body) and Qiankun Ring (or the universal ring made of gold that can shrink or grow in size), it’s as if Ne Zha jumped right out of the movie, vivid and alive!