Over 700 Cultural, Sports and Tourism Events to Be Held in Liaoning

On April 29, the Information Office of Liaoning Provincial People’s Government held a press conference to introduce the cultural and tourism events in Liaoning during the upcoming Labor Day holiday.

Liaoning aims to become a demonstration zone for the high-quality integration of culture, sports and tourism. Leveraging the unique spring tourism resources in the province, Liaoning has established the theme of “Enjoying Flowers, Watching Birds, Exploring the Past, and Appreciating the Local Culture” as the main theme of its product and service offerings. Through innovative approaches, Liaoning is combining new products, routes and scenic settings to enhance the spring travel experience in the region.

Liaoning has organized and planned three travel routes under the campaign “Spring in Liaoning, the Must-Visit Journey”. The eastern route connects Dandong, Dalian, and Yingkou. The middle route covers Tieling, Shenyang, Shenfu Reform and Innovation Demonstration Zone, Fushun, Benxi, Liaoyang and Anshan. The western route starts from Huludao, passes through Chaoyang, Fuxin and Jinzhou, and finally reaches Panjin. These routes offer immersive experiences in enjoying flowers, watching birds, exploring the past, and appreciating the local culture.

Throughout the province, more than 700 key cultural, sports and tourism events will be organized, focusing on welcoming the Labor Day holiday and extending to the entire spring season. Some of the highlighted events include the Flower Festival at Shenyang Botanical Garden and Beiling Park, the International Cherry Blossom Festival and the Acacia Flower Festival in Lyushun, Dalian, the Pear Blossom Festival in Anshan, the Peach Blossom Festival at the Yalu River Estuary in Dandong, the Pear Blossom Festival at Xiangya Mountain in Tieling, and the Swan Festival for flower appreciation and bird watching in Beipiao County-level City, Chaoyang.

During the Labor Day holiday, Liaoning will launch a series of favorable measures for cultural tourism, creating a satisfying tourism and consumption environment for visitors. The province will promote discounted ticket offers for selected key scenic spots during the holiday, and visitors can obtain them through methods such as coupon collection, reservation, group travel and online purchase.

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