Shenyang Economic and Technological Development Zone Accelerates Construction of Internationalized Industrial Ecosystem

On June 20, the Information Office of Liaoning Provincial People’s Government held the fifth press conference of the series titled “Promoting High-Quality Development of Enterprises”, presenting an overview of the measures taken to ensure and promote the high-quality development of enterprises in the Shenyang Economic and Technological Development Zone and the Liaobin Coastal Economic and Technological Development Zone of Panjin.

The Shenyang Economic and Technological Development Zone has been established as a national-level platform for opening up to the outside world. It has formed the China-Germany (Shenyang) High-end Equipment Manufacturing Innovation Committee, which provides an international exchange platform for enterprises. Over 100 economic and trade exchange activities, such as “German Enterprises’ Trip in Shenyang” and “Shenyang Tiexi Business Day in Germany”, have been held on a regular basis, promoting enterprises’ exploration of international markets.

The Dalian Puwan Economic Zone focuses on new quality productive forces. In 2023, the area witnessed growth in high-tech enterprises, gazelle enterprises, young eagle enterprises, and technology-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises, with increases of 23.7%, 116.7%, 27.3%, and 35%, respectively. Four companies, including Allychem Co., Ltd. and Dalian Sanhuan Composite Material Technology Development Co., Ltd., have been recognized as members of provincial-level industry-university-research alliances.

The Chaoyang Jianping Economic Development Zone has adopted a broad vision for regional development. Following the development pattern of “one zone, three parks”, it has created four major sectors: the new materials industry zone, the equipment manufacturing zone, the agricultural product processing park, and the new energy industry park. The industrial leading enterprises have been strategically placed, and supporting infrastructure has been strengthened to facilitate coordination and cooperation.

The Liaobin Coastal Economic and Technological Development Zone of Panjin has further pooled the efforts of enterprises, universities, and research institutes. It has guided the effective combination of enterprises’ technological innovation needs and the scientific and technological resources of universities, providing enterprises with whole-process incubation services, including research and development, small-scale experimentation, pilot testing, and industrialization. It has organized local enterprises to collaborate with universities and research institutes such as Dalian University of Technology, Tianjin University, and Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, addressing technical challenges that hinder enterprise development on a one-to-one basis. Five technology contracts have been signed, and a research and development investment of 110 million yuan has been completed.

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