2024 NE Asia (Xingcheng) Intl Swimwear Expo to Be Launched on July 12

The 2024 Northeast Asia (Xingcheng) International Swimwear Expo is announced to be launched in Xingcheng, a county-level city in Northeast China’s Liaoning Province, from July 12 to 15, under the theme “Braving Winds and Waves · Leading Trends in Swimwear Industry”.

Since 2011, the swimwear expo in Xingcheng has been held for 14 years, which is the only swimwear expo in the global swimwear industry. As the “global swimwear supply chain capital” and “China’s famous swimwear city”, the swimwear production of Xingcheng currently accounts for 25% of the international market share, 40% of the domestic market share, and 80% of online swimwear shipments, having more than 40,000 e-commerce accounts. One out of every four swimsuits produced globally comes from Xingcheng.

The expo has invited over 830 online exhibitors from various countries and regions, and over 100 offline exhibitors from home and abroad. The special “Global High-end Swimwear Brand - Liaoning Yinghua Group Booth” will be set up in the exhibition area. The international exhibitors will include Italy’s Dot Flower Pattern Studio, etc. The purchasing agencies will involve more than 100 companies, including Poland’s SG International Trade Co., Ltd. and Yugoslavia’s HAPPY MODA DOO Co., Ltd.

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