Key Enterprises in Liaoning Take Combined Measures to Accelerate High-Quality Development

On July 9, the Information Office of Liaoning Provincial People’s Government held the tenth press conference of the series titled “Promoting High-Quality Development of Enterprises”, during which key enterprises in Liaoning presented their relevant deployments, major measures, and significant progress in pursuing high-quality development and making their due contribution to achieving victory in this decisive year.

Prioritizing technological innovation, Liaoning Energy Industry Holding Group has invested a total of 3.89 billion yuan and has established 18 R&D platforms and 28 platforms for mass entrepreneurship and innovation. It has also simultaneously stepped up efforts to increase reserves and boost production in the province and beyond, with an additional 4.1 million tons of production capacity verified. The Group has scaled up its photovoltaic and wind power projects, and explored underground coal gasification, mine natural gas, offshore wind power, hydrogen energy, and other areas, with the aim of expanding the total amount of clean energy.

Liaoning Water Resource Management Group has acquired such key water supply projects as the Dalian Water Supply Project and the Changxing Island Water Supply Project consistent with market principles, continuously enhancing its water resource allocation capacity. Currently, the Group has an amount of 9.15 billion cubic meters of surface water under its allocation, accounting for 67.5% of the total water consumption in the province, and its annual average water supply is 3.6 billion cubic meters, accounting for half of the total surface water supply of the province.

Shengu Group Co., Ltd. has established the Shengu-Europe Research Institute, enabling its basic theoretical research to go in tandem with product R&D and design. It has completed the digital transformation and upgrading of all core workshops, resulting in a 28.2% increase in the processing efficiency of core components such as blade wheels. The networked access to production equipment has made its equipment efficiency transparent, driving a 16% increase in the overall efficiency of core equipment where bottlenecks occur.

Dalian Huarui Heavy Industry Group Co., Ltd. has focused on developing new quality productive forces with an R&D budget of 1.4 billion yuan for 2024, which marks a year-on-year increase of 22.8%. In the first half of the year, it has accomplished 26 scientific research projects and obtained 84 patent authorizations. Throughout the year, it aims to complete the development of more than 100 new products and technologies, including ultra-large intelligent tamping coking ovens, and to build four sample projects of intelligent products.

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