Liaoning to Implement the Key Clinical Specialty “3223” Construction Project

On October 11, the Information Office of Liaoning Provincial People’s Government held a press conference, presenting and interpreting “the Implementation Plan for Liaoning to Further Improve Medical and Health Services”.

In the allocation of medical services, Liaoning will improve a batch of township-level central hospitals, and build community hospitals. It will upgrade the services of a number of county-level hospitals to align with that of Grade 3A hospitals. It will set up provincial comprehensive and regional centers for specialties in the center, south, west, and east parts of the province, advancing the construction of higher-level specialized hospitals. The province will conduct the key clinical specialty “3223” construction project, which means, by 2025, no less than 30 national-level key clinical specialties will be established, and about 200 provincial-level key clinical specialties, 200 municipal-level key clinical specialties, and 300 county-level key clinical specialties will be built. In the allocation of public health resources, Liaoning will step up the major pandemic prevention, control and treatment system, enhance its emergency response capabilities, and optimize the detecting network at public health laboratories. It will also develop five centers for patients with chest pain, stroke victims, maternal near-miss, critically ill neonates and children, and people suffering trauma. In terms of continuity health care, the province will further expand its service supply covering rehabilitation health care, geriatric nursing, nursing for people with disabilities, infant-mother nursing, community nursing, palliative care, and nutrition support. In human resources, Liaoning will attract and develop high-level medical professionals and primary-level medical health professionals.

Moreover, Liaoning will improve mechanisms for service procurement including medical service price, medical insurance payment, and commercial insurance. It will leverage the supporting role of information technology. Specifically, it will strengthen the IT application in medical services, advance the “Internet Plus Medical Health” initiative, and promote the sharing of medical big data.

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