Let Music Be a Bridge for Sino-US Friendship

In early summer, Shenyang city, capital of Northeast China’s Liaoning province, is embracing gentle breezes and warm sunshine. In front of the Shenyang Imperial Palace, a world cultural heritage site, a bamboo flute player in elegant white plays the graceful and beautiful melody of Jasmine Flower, a widely-known Chinese folk song. With the harmonious ensemble of guzheng (a Chinese plucked zither), dulcimer, pipa (a four-stringed Chinese lute), bass and guitar, a young lady in a cerulean skirt dances trippingly to the music... The unique music flash mob has attracted great throngs of citizens and tourists to stop and admire it.

To celebrate the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the US, and to promote friendly exchanges between Liaoning province and the US in the fields of culture and art, a music exchange event has been held in Shenyang from May 30 to June 3, co-sponsored by the Liaoning Provincial People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Liaoning Province, and Consulate General of the US in Shenyang. Musicians from China and the US walk onto the streets, into theaters and campuses of Shenyang, to jointly play classic music, enabling music to foster a bridge of friendship between China and the US.

In the three flash mobs held at the Shenyang Imperial Palace, along the banks of the Hunhe River, and in the 1905 Re-Creative Space, teachers and students from the Shenyang Conservatory of Music and American jazz musicians perform together the classic music Jasmine Flower, Horse Racing and Softly as in the Morning Sunrise, showcasing distinctive Chinese styles by fusing Chinese national musical instruments with Western ones. Eastern and Western instruments and music styles are combined at the special concerts in the Shenyang Conservatory of Music, 1905 Re-Creative Space, and Shenyang Normal University, bringing forth a unique music experience and audio-visual feast to the audience. The American musicians also make a special trip to the Shenyang Conservatory of Music to conduct in-depth exchanges on the features and expressions of Chinese and Western traditional music.

Music transcends borders and culture builds bridges between countries. When asked about the greatest feeling of this music trip, Anthony Vanacore, a drummer from an American jazz band, says, “The fusion of Chinese folk music and jazz has produced new musical effects. This is a musical innovation, and very meaningful. This kind of performance and exchange activity can bring together people who love music in China and the US, with music serving as a medium to spread the friendship between the two countries. I am deeply impressed by this music trip to Shenyang and I really look forward to more such exchanges.” Liu Mingyue, a teacher from the Shenyang Conservatory of Music, notes, “The traditional instrumental music of both China and the US has a profound cultural tradition. I am very glad to learn from each other through exchanges and explore the infinite possibilities of music together. We also look forward to a reunion, to jointly compose a new chapter of friendship.”

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