A sweet home story of tea and meal
Feb 16,2023

The No. 20 chain store of “Quanfu Rice with Stewed Pork” was officially opened in the Wanhehui shopping center in Dalian recently. Mr. Gao Shang, the owner, is from Taoyuan of Taiwan. His wife, Wang Wanyi, is a native of Liaoning. They have lived in Dalian for 7 years.

Wang Wanyi was born in Yingkou city of Liaoning province. The two knew each other by chance and chatted online when they were on different sides of the Taiwan Strait. Then one day, Gao Shang came across the Strait to Liaoning to meet the girl. They found they were destined to be together at the first sight. “There’s a chemistry between us.” Gao Shang said.

Wang Wanyi followed Gao Shang to live in Taiwan and ran a restaurant of Northeast China cuisine at first. However, with the rapid economic growth of the mainland in recent years, they believed that there would be more opportunities. Therefore, the two decided to return to Wang Wanyi’s hometown to start a business and bring the authentic Taiwan Rice with Stewed Pork and milk tea to Liaoning.

With the business philosophy of “Warm your heart with a cup of tea and a meal”, “Quanfu Rice with Stewed Pork” has grown from a 30-square-meter Taiwan snack bar to 20 chain stores in less than 4 years.

“My wife has the final say on the taste of each dish.” Gao Shang said. Different growing environments have made them form different eating habits. After countless attempts, they have jointly developed Taiwan Rice with Stewed Pork catering to the taste of northerners. “We have adjusted the proportion of fat and lean meat, and the taste has also been adjusted from the light one to the salty one.” Meanwhile, Gao Shang also brought Taiwan’s local tea and spices to the North, and the milk tea with distinctive Taiwan flavor became extremely popular among local customers once it was launched. A bowl of delicious Rice with Stewed Pork and a cup of freshly brewed milk tea have gradually developed some diehard fans into franchisees.

However, entrepreneurship has never been easy. “I should give all the credits to my wife who has not only taken care of our two daughters, but also helped manage the business. She has been supporting me with her optimistic and open-minded spirit.” What touches Gao Shang most is the care of local government departments. With the help of Dalian Federation of Taiwan Compatriots, Gao Shang’s younger daughter enrolled in the kindergarten in Dalian; under the coordination of Dalian Municipal Office of Taiwan Affairs, the elder daughter enrolled in the local primary school. The care and support of local departments relieved the couple’s worries. “We have received care in all aspects and are very happy living in Dalian.”

“The mainland has gone through tremendous changes and become better.” Gao Shang said, “I have families and friends in both places, and both sides across the Strait are homes to me.” As a Taiwan compatriot who started businesses in the mainland, he and his family are looking forward to the peaceful reunification of the two sides across the Strait.

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