A “Little Giant” company developed in Liaoning
Feb 16,2023

Zhengchang Road, Haicheng of Anshan City. Watching the busy transportation in the factory, Mr. Liu Zisheng, the 73-year-old chairman of Haicheng Zhengchang Industry Co., Ltd., smiled modestly and joyfully, “I came to the mainland at the end of the 1980s shortly after the reform and opening up, thinking there might be more opportunities.” When talking about why he chose to set a factory in Liaoning, he said, “Northeast China has an advantage in electricity and boasts Ansteel. It is more convenient to get raw materials.”

Liu Zisheng, engaging in the production of steel wire ropes in Taiwan, was invited to the mainland in the Spring Festival of 1988. He chose to invest in Haicheng, Liaoning province after several visits. Haicheng Zhengchang Industry Co., Ltd. has now developed into a world famous manufacturer of high-quality wire ropes from a start-up in 1995 to a leading enterprise in the industry with a total investment of 200 million US dollars and an annual output value of 140 million US dollars.

Meng Qingchao, the general manager of the company, has worked here for more than 25 years since she began her career as a salesperson. There are many employees working here for 10 or 20 years like Meng. Two things impressed her in the development of the company.

The company was still located in a rural area back in 1998. It was Anshan Municipal Office of Taiwan Affairs that finally helped the company introduce a special power line after repeated contacts with various departments. “We are the first company in Liaoning Province to use industrial power transferred from agricultural power.” Meng Qingchao said.

The local government bailed the company out during the epidemic, which boosted the company’s confidence to stay in Liaoning. “The sudden outbreak of the epidemic after the 2020 Spring Festival stopped the company from operation. Knowing our difficulties, the local government helped us coordinate with all departments. We became the first company to resume work and production in Haicheng City, thanks to the local government who brought us protective clothing and other epidemic prevention materials to help us resume operation. They are the ‘timely rain’ to local enterprises.”

Liu Zisheng began his plan of establishing a culture center in Haicheng about 10 years ago, “Our company started in Liaoning, so we hope to reward the society.” Now, the Culture Center of the company, covering an area of 6,615 square meters, has started internal decoration. There will be dance rooms, piano rooms, reading rooms and a cinema. Liu Zisheng displayed his collected paintings, calligraphy and handicrafts in the center, hoping to help the local public in cultural and artistic education with his donation.

Liu Zisheng has worked and lived in Liaoning for more than 30 years, which made him a member here. “My wife’s favorite is pickles from Northeast China, which can’t be found in Taiwan. We can only have the most authentic taste here.” Liu Zisheng said, “We prefer to show our relatives and friends from Taiwan around Shenyang Palace Museum, Beiling Park and other places. I think Liaoning people are kind and honest, and are my friends who can always be counted on.”

In 2021, Haicheng Zhengchang Industry Co., Ltd. was listed as one of the “little giant” companies (specialized and sophisticated enterprises that produce new and unique products) by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. “I’m very grateful. In the wire rope sector of Taiwan, I got the biggest success, because I came to the mainland.” Liu Zisheng said.

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