Sci-Tech Enterprises in Liaoning Drive Industrial Innovation Through Sci-Tech Innovation

On July 11, the Information Office of Liaoning Provincial People’s Government held the twelfth press conference of the series titled “Promoting High-Quality Development of Enterprises”, during which many sci-tech enterprises in Liaoning presented their relevant deployments, major measures, and significant progress in pursuing high-quality development and making their due contribution to achieving victory in this decisive year.

Northern Medicine Valley Desen (Shenyang) Biologics Co., Ltd. has been actively participating in and leading technological design, equipment development, and product upgrading in the upstream sector of the industrialization of biopharmaceuticals, aiming to address bottlenecks and establish a complete platform of key technologies for biopharmaceutical R&D and industrialization. Currently, the localization rate of equipment in its industrial park has reached 80%.

Always adhering to independent innovation, Shenyang Vycon Flywheel Co., Ltd. has initiated the R&D project of low-medium temperature magnetic levitation generators, which, once successfully developed, will be widely applied to fields such as geothermal power generation and industrial waste heat power generation, enabling efficient utilization of clean energy, recovery and utilization of waste heat, and promoting energy conservation and emission reduction.

Liaoning Zhonglan Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. has increased its R&D investment year by year and has thus been capable of substituting its key technologies and core products with domestic ones in an all-round way and becoming self-supporting in this regard. Currently, the company boasts over 1,600 patented technologies. Moreover, fully leveraging its “head effect” and “leading effect”, it has accelerated the construction of an optical electronics supply chain industrial park, and attracted and led supporting enterprises to strive for cluster development in Panjin City, creating a new industrial development model characterized by an optimized and domestically-driven supply chain that benefits all stakeholders.

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